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Al-Razi University Journal for Medical Sciences
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Vol 6 No 2 (2022): المجلد السادس العدد الثاني 2022
Haemosiderosis, Liver and Renal Diseases among Thalassemia Patients in Sana'a City – Yemen
Amal Mohammed Banafa; Mohammed Sadeq Al-Awar; Wadhah Hassan Edrees, Ohood Ali.H. Alyafrosi, Adam Abdullah Y. Ahmed
Haemosiderosis, Liver and Renal Diseases among Thalassemia Patients in Sana'a City – Yemen
Influence of Zn2+ Ions Doping on the Antibacterial Activity of Barium-Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles
Sadiq H Khoreem, Abdulhakeem H Al-Hammadi
Influence of Zn2+ Ions Doping on the Antibacterial Activity of Barium-Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles
The Incidence of Viral Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections and Associated Risk Factors among Blood Donors in Amran Governorate, Yemen
Ali Ahmed Al-Hadheq, Bashir Ahmed Al-Ofairi, Mohammed Al-Helali, Anes Al-Mahbashi, Abdul Basit Al-Ghoury, Mohammed Sadeq Al-Awar
The Incidence of Viral Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections and Associated Risk Factors among Blood Donors in Amran Governorate, Yemen
Risk Factors Associated with Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Schoolchildren in Amran City, Yemen
Wadhah Hassan Edrees, Mohammed Ali Alshahethi, Mohammed Sadeq Al-Awar
Factors Associated with Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Schoolchildren in Amran City, Yemen
A Study of Effect of Catha Edulis on Bioavailability of Sildenafil by Using Everted Sac Method
Ahmed M Al-Ghani, Nabil A Albaseer, Anes A. M Thabet
Effect of Catha Edulis (Khat) on the Bioavailability of Sildenafil: An Ex-Vivo Study
Associated Factors for Lower Extremity Amputation in Patients Admitted with Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Retrospective Single Center Audit
Muhammed Omar Mohammed, Ali Lotf Al-Amry, Yasser Abdurabu Obadiel, Abdulhafeedh Al-Habeet, Eshraq Abdullah Al-Dhabei
Associated Factors for Lower Extremity Amputation in Patients Admitted with Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Retrospective Single Center Audit
Nurses Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Oral Care patient with Mechanical Ventilation at Public Hospitals, Sana'a-Yemen
Makkia Ahmad Al-Falahi, Abdulnasser Ahmed Mohammed Haza'a, Talal Hussin Alqalah
Nurses Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Oral Care patient with Mechanical Ventilation at Public Hospitals, Sana'a-Yemen
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