A systematic study on Traditional software development models and Agile Software Development Methodologies

Yahya Al - Ashmoery, Najran Nasser, Youness Chaabi, Hisham Haider, Khaled Alwesabi, and Adnan Haider

  • Yahya Al - Ashmoery Al-Razi University
  • Najran Nasser Sana’a University
  • Youness Chaabi Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture, Rabat, Morocco
  • Hisham Haider Al-Razi University
  • Adnan Haider Al-Razi University
  • Khaled Alwesabi Al-Razi University
الكلمات المفتاحية: The software development life cycle (SDLC),, Agile software development, RAD, V-Model, Spiral Model


Abstract— Agile software development is one of the effective approaches that software engineering has developed to get to the final software product. Software engineering is a discipline that has undergone many improvements that aims to keep up with the new advancements in technology and the modern business requirements. For a very long time, traditional software development models like Waterfall, RAD, V-Model, and Spiral Model dominated the software industry. However, to keep up with expanding needs and technological advancements, software developers tried to investigate more advanced software development models, which eventually led to the creation of agile development models. Software development is a crucial undertaking that needs a thorough and organized manual in the form of a model of the software development process. In order to create software of the highest caliber, a good software development process model can be really helpful. This study presents a thorough analysis of the major agile values and concepts as well as the key distinctions between agile and conventional techniques. Following that, a review of the most common agile approaches is presented, along with information on their life cycles, roles, and benefits and drawbacks. the most recent cutting-edge trends that use agile development. The article also covers some of the difficulties teams could have while putting agile software development approaches into practice, as well as the advantages of employing them. Finally, it offers some advice for businesses who are thinking about implementing agile development.
