Adaptation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Yosef A. Abdulmoghni, Mohammed G. Ageel

  • Yosef A. AAbdulmoghni Al-Razi University
  • Mohammed G. Ageel Al-Razi University
الكلمات المفتاحية: Quality of Service (QoS),, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Base Station (BS),, Internet of Things (IoT).


Adaptation in wireless sensor networks is an important topic that has been studied by researchers. There are various approaches to software adaptation in wireless sensor networks, including design concepts, programming constructs, and automatic verification techniques. The goal is to improve the performance and efficiency of wireless sensor networks by adapting them to changing conditions [62]. This can involve optimizing energy consumption over a link while meeting certain quality-of-service requirements. Wireless sensor network adaptation has enormous potential in various applications, including industries.
