English Language Needs and Skills in the Future Workplace from the Perspectives of Senior Students at Yemeni Universities: Enhancing English for Professional Purposes (EPP)

  • Hassan Ahmed Hassan Laban Hajjah University
الكلمات المفتاحية: English Language Needs & Skills, ESP, EPP, Needs Analysis, Future Workplace


This study aims to explore the needs and skills of  English for professional purposes (EPP) required  for the future workplace from the perspectives of senior students at Yemeni universities. 45 students from different departments of Yemeni universities participated in this study as a sample. The study employed a quantitative method approach that utilized a questionnaire adapted in some previous studies .The participants were asked to respond to the 46 items of the questionnaire to ascertain their important professional English needs, skills as well as sub-kills. The results of the study revealed that the participants rated their level of English proficiency as 'good'. The results of the study also showed that the two most important English skills for the future workplace are reading and listening. Moreover, the results indicated that the items "I need to listen to work updates"(M=47),"I need to read work-related documents"(M=44),"I need to do face-to-face negotiations" (M=40) and "I need to write letters related to my work" (2.44) are the most important English needs and necessities required for the future workplace. Overall, the participants' responses to the questionnaire items were positive viewing English language proficiency required in the workplace as important. The findings have some implications for syllabus designers, curriculum developers and subject teachers
